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Tax Returns in Banbridge

Tax Doesn’t Have to be Taxing

There are a number of reasons that you may have to file a tax return. If you don’t already do so, speak to our team at SM Vint & Company.

The staff at HM Revenue & Customs are not obliged to advise you on how to minimise your tax or advise if you have to even file a tax return. Therefore, if you want to make sure you are paying the right amount of tax, you should consult a professional.

For further information about tax returns, call SM Vint & Company on 02840 662 490.

The most common reasons that a tax return may be required are as follows:

  • You are self-employed or a partner in a partnership
  • You have Income from a Rental Property or from Land you let out
  • You are a company director
  • You have large amounts of savings or investment income
  • You have untaxed savings or investment income
  • Your household receives Child Benefit and you have income in excess of £50,000
  • You have income from overseas
  • You work in the Republic of Ireland but want to keep your U.K Resident status
  • You have sold or given an asset away (e.g. Sale of Rental Property, Land or Shares)

At S.M Vint & Co we can help you through this process with the following:

  • Complete your tax return
  • Calculate your tax liability
  • File the return online
  • Liaise with you on the amounts to be paid and when they are due


We Are local to you, Open and Friendly, Wide Range of Knowledge and Expertise, We offer many Services for you to avail of, Competive Fee Structure and Flexible Payment Options.

Call Us

For further details about tax returns and our taxation services, contact SM Vint & Company today. Call us on 02840662490 or fill out our contact form.